Thursday, April 10, 2008

More Banana Tree Updates

It is amazing when you look at your plants growing everyday not much seems to happen.But you leave for a few days and it seems like they explode in new growth. When I got back from my trip there was new growth on all of the banana trees. Then the banana trees put out 2 new leaves each in just 4 days Just before I left on my trip I had 2 new pups on the Misi Luki, and 1 new pup on the Ice Cream. Now I have 2 pups coming up on the apple banana. The new pups are growing faster than any of the pups that have been there since I started on the ice cream banana. The new Ice cream pup has only been exsposed for 2 weeks and is taller and fatter than the 3 others that have been there for 5 months. Here are some different pictures of all the bananas. The first 3 are the Ice Cream banana tree, the first shot is from 4/1 and the next 2 are from 4/8 they doubled in size in a week. The next 3 are of the Misi Luki and the dates are the same. Then the next 2 are the apple banana and its new pups. The last picture is of the Williams hybrid.

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