Monday, March 31, 2008

$32 of Disappointment

I have been anticipating an ebay purchase in the mail. I bought 50 plumeria seeds, 40 Rhapis subtilis seeds, and 5 Eulophia graminea orchid bulbs from a seller in Thailand, Well the package was in the mail box today. And this what was inside. Growing instructions for plumeria seeds and a US Dept. of Ag. Mail Interception Notice. No bulbs...just $32 growing instructions on some seeds I don't have. I guess the seller did not send a pyto-sanitary certificate with the seeds and customs intercepted and then mailed my empty box to me. Man I wanted that stuff.


  1. Bummer!!!! You should ask the USDA for your $32 plus psychological damages!

  2. Disappointment is quite a mild word for that situation. Lesson learned, I guess?
    Frances at Faire Garden

  3. It's been a long time but I've purchased many plumeria seeds from ebay sellers in Thailand without any problem. But do you need 50 seeds? My experience with plumeria is that almost every seed germinates. Thats lots of trees. Great website by the way. Your PSL neighbor.
