Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Grand Cayman's Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Gardens Visit...Part 2

Part 2....Palm Trees

1. Leaning Dypsis lastelliana, Teddy Bear Palm

2. Two Nice Licuala grandis, Ruffled Fan Palms w/ Lobster ClawHeliconia

3. Bismarkia noblis in the distance. Very Nice Row of Fruiting Bismarcks
Ripening Fruit
Ripe Fruit

4. Corypha umbraculifera, Talipot Palm; This is a very young Palm they had a few of these.
5. Coccothrinax proctorii, Proctor's Silver Palm. Has a very silver underside

6. A Batch of You Names NoID's yet

7. Me on a leaning Coconut Tree
8. Some kind of Pritchardia

1 comment:

  1. It looks sso lovely and warm and lush there. Here it is -5 degrees and frozen and cold and miserable!
