Monday, January 26, 2009

Burnt Banana's!

This past week week had some cold air blast the area and 2 nights in a row we got to around 31 degrees. We know from last year what happens to the nana's when it gets that cold. They get burnt, and this year I have banana's that are almost ready. I do not know what will come from the banana's that are still on the tree. They are still flowering but all of the leafs to the mother tree are dead. I wonder if the will be able to produce enough energy to fininsh the flowering. Here are some pictures of my burnt banana's I will try to name all the 1's I know. Thanks to the Banana Lady I have a few now that are unknown until they flower.

Ice Cream Banana

Misi Luki on left Manzano Apple on rightGoldfinger
Goldfinger left, Pisang middle, Williams Hybrid back right
Unknown, maybe praying hands or 30ft tall monster we will see
Manzano Apple Banana Flower Burnt!
Misi Luki Banana Rack
The burnt fruit.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lazy Gator Pictures!

On my lunch break today I took a cruise through White City park and I saw this lazy gator posted up on a fallen oak trunk sunning. Not until I was going through the pictures did I notice the turtle on another limb. An on a lucky snap a blue heron flew through the picture. Here are my shots. My camera sucks and the zoom is not that good. 1 day I will save enough money to buy a nice Canon, and take some really nice pics.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Palms of Macaw Mountain Honduras

This was a breath taking view. 1 side the Atlantic Ocean and the other the Caribbean Sea the island of Roatan splitting the 2. On top of Macaw Mountain you could see for miles.
All of the Sabal Palms are Sabal mauritiiformis and the others are Attalea cohunes

And these are Acrocomia aculeata or Macaw Palm and Gru Gru Palm and they are growing on the side of Macaw Mountain...umh!
And a headless Macaw Palm
Licuala grandis Ruffled Fan Palm I found growning at a Dive Resort
Half Moon Bay , West End

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Grand Cayman's Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Gardens Visit...Part 2

Part 2....Palm Trees

1. Leaning Dypsis lastelliana, Teddy Bear Palm

2. Two Nice Licuala grandis, Ruffled Fan Palms w/ Lobster ClawHeliconia

3. Bismarkia noblis in the distance. Very Nice Row of Fruiting Bismarcks
Ripening Fruit
Ripe Fruit

4. Corypha umbraculifera, Talipot Palm; This is a very young Palm they had a few of these.
5. Coccothrinax proctorii, Proctor's Silver Palm. Has a very silver underside

6. A Batch of You Names NoID's yet

7. Me on a leaning Coconut Tree
8. Some kind of Pritchardia